5 Natural Remedies and Tips To Prevent Car Sickness

Ginger - Put a cut piece of ginger inside your mouth. It can be used in many forms like powdered or dried  or as a tincture.It is very safe and effective at the same time.

Peppermint - If you have a headache or a cold, peppermint is also a good choice for these ailments. Keep peppermint lozenges in the car to help tame nausea while driving. It can also be taken as a tea or tincture.

Lemon Balm - Prepare a cup of  tea by steeping dried herbs in hot water for 10 minutes, then strain and drink . It is very helpful in relieving the uncomfortable thoughts while in movement.

Chamomile - This herb is useful for all sorts of ailments and acts to calm nausea. Mild enough for children, this herb is a safe choice in treating many illnesses. Use as a tea or put drops of the tincture into water and drink.

- Sucking on some ice chips may help calm your stomach and help divert your attention from your unsettled tummy.

  • Do not read while traveling
  • Do not sit facing backwards from your direction of travel.
  • Get the window seat and inhale fresh air if possible.
  • Avoid strong food odors

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